Our Solution

Psychiatric solutions available in person and online

Discover the convenience of receiving psychiatric services in person as well as electronically.

Accessibility and convenience

You do not have to be burdened with the logistics of treatment including transportation and scheduling around busy work and family schedules. With no travel time, you can be seen while at work, in between classes or meetings and on trips so your care is uninterrupted. Our providers are not limited to traditional office hours and can be seen in the evening and even on weekends.

Continuity of care

As you may spend time between your primary residence, office, school and/or hotel, your care is often limited. With telepsychiatry, you are never away from our providers and life does not get in the way of your treatment.

Accommodate stigma and/or privacy concerns

Some individuals may be more likely to participate in online counseling because of the perceived stigma associated with seeing a mental health clinician (Aboujaoude et al., 2015). By avoiding the counseling center waiting room and parking lot, individuals may avoid accidental revelations of their decision to seek services, assuage stigma concerns, and increase their sense of privacy.


Research on telepsychiatry has shown that video conferencing can be an effective mode of treatment with equivalent therapeutic alliance ratings to face-to-face therapy (Simpson, Guerrini, & Rochford, 2015). There is no limitation in clinicians ability to obtain clinical information, make an accurate diagnosis, and develop an effective treatment plan that leads to clinical outcomes.

Telepsychiatry is not without limitations

Whether seeing patients in person or virtually, confidentially and crisis intervention are key to treatment. We use HIPAA compliant email and video conferencing technology to ensure the privacy of our sessions. Emergency plans are established at the initial evaluation and clinicians familiarize themselves and patients with local resources.